Mr. Daryl Spidaliere » October in 3S

October in 3S

We have made it through the first month of school and have accomplished so much already. Cross Country has started, the Raffle ticket sales have been amazing, and, most importantly, the kids are learning. We have covered every topic - Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Reading, Spelling....and the list goes on and on. But, the most important of all is Religion. We are a school of faith and a classroom of faith. Outside of our class, as you can see from the picture, is a prayer wall; a place for students and adults, as well, to write down their prayers, offered to God. As a class we prayer for others as Christ taught us. We are learning about the young Church and are taking the role of apostles to heart. As many of your students may have told you, we are called to be sheep and to serve others in their need, not for our benefit but for theirs. As such, we are collecting used clothing for those in need. 
Please keep all of us in your prayers and know that each day is filled with both God and learning!