Mrs. Mary Beth Allen » September 2023

September 2023

Some of the things we will be learning in September:
Religion: God the Father, god the Son and God the Holy Spirit
Math:  Math Olympics, related addition facts, doubles +1, doubles -1, skip counting, adding three addends, counting back to subtract, related subtraction facts
Reading: The stories this month are realistic fiction, we will be reading stories multiple times to build on fluency, accuracy and comprehension.  Fluent readers read at a good rate, not too slow and not too quickly.  A fluent reader reads as if they are speaking.
Phonics: We will focus on initial, medial and final sounds, open and closed syllables and short vowels
Writing: letter formation, neatness will be stressed as we continue to build on our handwriting skills
English:  nouns, subjects and predicates in sentences
Science:  We will be learning about plants, parts of a plant, shapes, colors, size, plants with and without flowers
apples red