Mrs. Mary Beth Allen » November 2023

November 2023

This month we will be working on the following:
Religion- Bible, Old and New Testament, Ten Commandments, free will, venial and mortal sin, God's mercy
Math: Math Olympics, even and odd numbers, skip counting by 3 and 4, ordinal numbers, word problems, pictographs, bar graphs, surveys, range, median and mode of numbers and comparing data
Reading: understanding the plot of a story, characters, and setting, how a dialogue in a story helps you understand how a character feels, plot elements, events, conflict or problem of the main character and its resolution, text structure, chronological order, cause and effect, identifying informational text, singular and plural nouns
Phonics: long vowels, initial consonant blends and inflected endings
English: singular and plural nouns, possessive nouns, common nouns, collective nouns and irregular plural nouns
Writing:  letter formation, neatness and accuracy