Mrs. Jessica Hickey » December News 4H

December News 4H

December was a busy month filled with many fun activities to get into the spirit of the season. With each class caroling through the hallways, Polar Express Day with our pre-k & first grade buddies, Christmas Prayer Service, and making Christmas crafts, the school was a joyous and happy place to be! It was so nice to be able to gather again and have parent volunteers join us in our school again. 
Religion:  We will talk about the season of Advent and Christmas.
Reading: Our My View readings will focus on Biographies and different animal stories. We will learn about summarizing, main idea and details, and dictionary skills. Graphic organizers and outlining have been introduced, and we are turning these notes into stories. Our next book report will be winter themed and the genre is Biography.
Science: (4th Grade) We kicked off this month with Chapter 4 our animals unit. Always a class favorite! We will classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. Are they warm blooded, cold blooded? Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish ... OH MY! 
(5th Grade) Chapter 4 is Growth and Survival with our animals and ecosystems. We will focus on the many ways animals use their adaptations to help them survive. Important vocabulary words such as exoskeleton and internal skeleton will be discussed. Did you know some insects breathe through tiny air holes in their skin called spiracles? Science is SO cool! 
As this busy and blessed month comes to a close, I wish you all a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year!
December 1-Progress Reports
December 1-Christmas Tree Lighting 
December 8-Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Lower Campus Mass at 9:45am, all are welcome!)
December 13-Lower Campus All School Mass (at 9:45am, all are welcome!)
December 13- Saint Christopher Academy Christmas Show (Upper Campus, at 6:30) 
December 18-Lower Campus Christmas Prayer Service (at 9:45am, all are welcome!)
December 19-Christmas Free Dress
December 19-Christmas Crafternoon
December 20-Christmas PJ Day (don't forget your donation!)/Polar Express Day
December 21-January 2-Christmas Break