Mrs. Allison May » September


I hope everyone had a great summer!  I can't wait to meet all of you and we are going to have a great year 😊.
Some of the things we will start the year working on are:
Religion: We will be discussing that Jesus is the son of God, how Jesus Christ gives us the church, and how we celebrate God's love.
Math: We will review some of the skills we learned last year in first grade.  We will then work on addition and subtraction facts.  We will also discuss fact families, counting on and making ten.
ReadingWe will read realistic fiction stories as well as informational texts.  We will work on describing the setting and characters in a story.  We will also identify the main idea.
Phonics: We will work on short and long vowels.  We will also work on CVCe words and consonant blends.
Grammar:  We will learn what a sentence is the subjects and predicates.
Science:  We will start our chapter on plants.  We will learn the parts of a plant and how seeds scatter.
We are going to have a great time in second grade!
- Mrs. May