Mrs. Allison May » December


December already...where has the time gone?
Religion:  We will talk about the season of Advent, The Ten Commandments, and Christmas.
Math:  We will learn about different types of graphs, Range, Median, Mode, Venn Diagrams, and continue practicing Problem Solving.
Language Arts:  In Reading we will read an informational text about being a green gardener.  In Phonics we will   learn about contractions. In Grammar we will work on singular and plural nouns.  In Writing we will discuss a List Article.  We will also write a story using a Christmas writing prompt.  The students will have very creative stories!
Social Studies: We will wrap up chapter one by discussing Life Then and Now and Family History. 
Handwriting:  We are still practicing manuscript.  We will move onto cursive after Christmas vacation.
  I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mrs. May