Mrs. Stacey LaValley Lambert » October 2023

October 2023

October Header  
           Fall is here! Leaves are changing and the colors are bright and beautiful outside our classroom window. Our month starts with a unit on Jesus' Ascension from Death to New Life in Religion, and our students have also been invited to spend some special time with Jesus in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (a chance to have some time with Jesus outside of Mass and rest and relax in His spirit). 
In Math, we will learn all about the commutative and associative properties, and get comfortable with borrowing numbers in subtraction and carrying numbers in addition. 
          In Reading, we are reading the story Cocoliso and learned about how Alejandro discovered a white albino alligator and helped him to appreciate his surroundings. It is our first dive into Realistic Fiction, where we will learn that stories can be based on facts but told through fictional characters. The next story we read will tie into our trip to Timbuktu, as we learn about deserts and their inhabitants in Living in Deserts.
           Weather, Climate and Forces of Nature and its afftects on the the regions of the United States is our next study in Social Studies. We will be discussing different climates, their vegetation, their animals and how natural disasters are often closely related to climate change. 
          For our Halloween activity, students will be able to  dress in orange, black and white (make sure to follow the handbook guidelines for dress down days), and we will assemble Cardy Corn Trinity Doorhangers and special spiritual spiderwebs (Life is "spooky" without Jesus!), eat some delicious Halloween treats and write spooky stories.  We will end our day with sharing our special spooky stories with the rest of the class.  It's hard to believe we are moving into November next month. Blessings for a wonderful, wonder-filled Autumn! 
October 1-Feast Day of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
October 2-Feast of the Guardian Angels
October 4- O'Connor Portrait Day
October 9-No School COLUMBUS DAY
October 12-Grades 3-5 Mass 9:45am (Church Hall...parents welcome!)
October 19 Eucharistic Adoration ALL DAY
October 31 Orange/Black and White Dress Down Day
halloween candy