Mrs. Lisa Brown » October News

October News

October bulletin


Fall has arrived and with it comes a beautiful time of year with brisk weather, colorful scenes and activities for all to enjoy! In our class we relate lessons to the season, nocturnal animals, pumpkins and fire safety.


The class has adjusted very well and ready to learn. Each morning we focus on ‘The View Literacy' program. One day a week we read from with the “BIG BOOK” which introduces characters, settings, new words and definitions, high frequency words and a related booklet we practice in class and should be practiced at home to reinforce skills. The student’s faces are gleaming as they begin to read simple sentences! There are also related books to each story which we will read in small groups.


The Math unit this month is geometric shapes and patterns. Prepare to hear about spheres, cylinders, cubes, cones, rectangular and triangular prisms as they search for them at school, home and everywhere they go! Patterns are also a favorite which are practice with hands on lessons. It is a fun lesson to practice anytime…anywhere!


God Made the 'World Around Me’ is the lesson in Religion. His gifts are all around us and we will learn about taking the time to look and see all the beauty of nature.

The character trait is 'Obedience'. The symbol of the chipmunk does his best to follow rules in nature to protect himself and keep safe. An important lesson for the students to learn and follow also!


October is Fire Safety. The class is learning the importance of what to by practicing fire drills in class and what to do at home. Fire fighters will be coming to Kindergarten on Monday, October 23, 2023 to talk with the students about Fire safety. They will also bring the Fire trucks to show them all the equipment they use.


Homework begins this month. Every Tuesday a phonics/ reading and math activity is sent home. It should be completed and returned by Thursday.


Halloween will be celebrated on Tuesday, October 31st. We will celebrate with fun games and crafts! For Kindergarten it is ‘Hat Day’. Each student creates a hat at home and brings to wear for a school parade. It is also a dress down day and they may wear festive Halloween clothes colors of orange and black. We will have a special snack and play games!


Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Morrell