Mrs. Lisa Brown » March


March News


March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb! Hopefully Spring will arrive early.  March is known as a windy month and we will experiment with varied objects of weight and size and strengths of wind. It is especially exciting on windy days outside! Spring begins March 19th. It will be an interesting time of observations as the weather changes. We will chart the lion and lamb day throughout the month. 


Dr.  Seuss will be celebrated throughout the month reading his whimsical tales and rhymes. This introduces the 'word families' and provides practice with sentences and creativity!


Addition and subtraction are the math units we will focus on. We begin with addition and practice with hands on activities up to 10 followed with subtraction. Many hands-on lessons and games help to reinforce skills.


We prepare for the Easter celebration as we learn more about Jesus and his teachings. We join together as a school each Friday and participate in the "Stations of the Cross' during Lent. The character trait is the Lamb who represents 'Forgiveness'. 


Saint Patrick's Day is Friday March 17th. The school celebrates wearing green and white. Our class will learn to dance the 'jig' to Irish music and enjoy a festive snack. There may be excitement as they anticipate a visit from a leprechaun!!


Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Morrell