Mrs. Lisa Brown » February 2024

February 2024

February begins with Catholic School Week with special activities planned each day. We are proud and thankful to be part of Saint Christopher Academy!

February 2nd is Groundhog Day. Will ‘Punxsutawney Phil’ see his shadow? We will experiment with shadows and light.

Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Tuesday13, February 14th. We will celebrate with a Valentine party. A sign-up sheet for Valentine treats will be posted on sign up genius.  Each classmate is asked to bring valentine cards into school on that day. There are 23 students in our class. Please have your child sign her/his name on the Valentine only. No name on the envelope. It makes delivery easier! It is also a dress down day to wear red, pink or white. A sign-up sheet for Valentine treats will be posted on KB the celebration on that day.

President’s Day is also this month and it is a perfect time to introduce money in math. The focus is to become familiar with coins and the value. It is helpful to use money for hands on activities. Please see the attached sheet and send into school to the amount requested. We will complete the unit with ‘a class store’. Each student will shop for small items to buy and pay with the correct coins. All money will be returned at the end of the lesson.

The character trait is Virtue which means demonstrating honesty and making the right choices. We will relate this to our 16th president nicknamed ‘Honest Abe’! The lessons in religion are about friendship and love. 

Each day the students continue to practicing writing and reading to reinforce and strengthen skills. Reading books at home is helpful to build on concepts learned in school. IXL is also suggested for enrichment math games. 

Winter Break is February 26th -March 3rd. is

 Enjoy the Winter Weather fun activities!


Mrs. Brown